RSE/RSE are supposed to be an hybrid role, compared to pure software developer.
They bring a knowledge from their field but also are developing software. To
capture this different tasks they may do during their work, we asked them how
they spend their time but also how they wish to spend their time to investigate
any difference between what they do and what they want to do.
How to read the plots
Respondents were asked how much time is spent in a particular activity using
a Likert scale from from 1 (None at all) to 10 (All my time).
The same questions asked them how much time they wanted to spend on these
activities. With that it was possible to see if discrepancies exist between
what they actually do and what they want to do.
To read the results, when the bars shift to the right (in blue), it means they
reported positive values (from 6 to 10); when the bars are on the left (in
red), it means they reported more negative values (relative to the scale). Each
bar has a number that represents the percentage of participants that selected
that value. The total bar represents 100%.
To calculate the difference between what they want and what they do, we
subtract the answers to the the time that they wished to have spent from the
the answer to actual time spent. It is therefore possible to understand the
results as:
The result is zero: The time spent matches, they do as much as they want.
The result is negative: They wish to spend less time to do that activity
The result is positive: They wish to spend more time to do that activity
Questions in this section
All questions were asked on a 1 to 10 Likert scale.
On average, how much of your time is spent developing software?
On average, how much of your time is spent on research?
On average, how much of your time is spent on management?
On average, how much of your time is spent on teaching?
On average, how much of your time is spent on other activities?
2021-08-04T21:03:25.168540image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities8442424132721309131730271411131111699177201320987Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities6111196326182827464845231622151724125856Difference between time spent and wish-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:27.338326image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities322923628253199202121121371082021799141318131610565Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities13101226820332332424220269221017211571157Difference between time spent and wish-7.0-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:29.239816image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivitiesTime wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities100100100100100Difference between time spent and wishnanNetherlands: Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:31.205560image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities65346181139313882214291719661414661161163168Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities68661931244447536953222591222696Difference between time spent and wish-5.0-3.0-2.0- Zealand: Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:33.331892image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities1741229936133999171399171713917139917999301313Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities18927913263932485230179131713999Difference between time spent and wish-8.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- Africa: Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:35.653141image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities10402822122527367172121228116159151385149208227875Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities7556111172210222834434942282410201112139595Difference between time spent and wish-8.0-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- Kingdom: Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:37.881148image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities10423726173321321812182410115141011136616620132368Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities613101420625353750484420291813811614866Difference between time spent and wish-6.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- States: Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity
2021-08-04T21:03:40.184570image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.4.2, spent12345678910PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities6311422827252966161816122082061916161414817181981588Time wish to spent123456789101009080706050403020100102030405060708090100PercentageDevelopingsoftwareResearchManagementTeachingOtheractivities81081286226203133393937251814242012228226108Difference between time spent and wish-7.0-5.0-4.0-3.0-2.0- Difference between time wish to spent and actually spent for each type of activity