We care very much about the privacy of the data that we are handling. At this page you will find what information are available for the different level of access that we provide.
Public access
On the home page, visitors have access to the list of fellows with links to
- their local profile,
- website (if provided by the fellow),
- website feed (if provided by the fellow),
- ORCID profile (if provided by the fellow),
- GitHub (if provided by the fellow),
- GitLab (if provided by the fellow),
- Twitter (if provided by the fellow), and
- Facebook (if provided by the fellow).
On fellow profile, visitors have access to
- fellow’s name,
- fellow’s affiliation,
- fellow’s research area,
- fellow’s inauguration year, and
- fellow’s approved funding requests (**after the end date or if allowed by the fellow).
On previous events page, visitors have access to
- name of previous event,
- start and end date of previous event,
- link to previous event’s website,
- blog post about previous event, and
- tweet about previous event.
Fellow access
Fellow has, in addition to the public access, only access to his/her information and requests.
Staff access
Staffs have full access to the data.