Filtering and Sorting Data


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can we select only a subset of our data to work with?

  • How can we sort our data?

  • Employ text filters or sub-setting options in facets to filter to a subset of rows

  • Sort data by one or multiple columns

Filtering data

Sometimes you want to view and work only with a subset of data or apply an operation only to a subset. You can do this by applying various filters to your data.

Including/excluding data entries on facets

One way to filter down our data is to use the include or exclude buttons on the entries in a text facet. If you still have your text facet for scientificName, you can use it. If you’ve closed that facet, recreate it by selecting Facet > Text facet on the scientificName column.

  1. In the text facet, hover over one of the names, e.g. Baiomys taylori. Notice that when you hover over it, there are buttons to the right for edit and include.
  2. Whilst hovering over Baiomys taylori, move to the right and click the include option. This will include this species, as signified by the name of the species changing from blue to orange, and new options of edit and exclude will be presented. Note that in the top of the page, “46 matching rows” is now displayed instead of “35549 rows”.
  3. You can include other species in your current filter - e.g. click onChaetodipus baileyi in the same way to include it in the filter.
  4. Alternatively, you can click the name of the species to include it in the filter instead of clicking the include/exclude buttons. This will include the selected species and exclude all others options in a single step, which can be useful.
  5. Click include and exclude on the other species and notice how the entries appear and disappear from the data table to the right.

You can also filter data using other types of facets - let’s do it as an exercise.


Remove all current facets and recreate the scatterplot facet for recordID and period columns as before. Drag a rectangular selection anywhere on the Scatterplot Matrix square for recordID and period. Notice how the filtered data change to show only entries included in the rectangle.


In the screenshot below, we have filtered out only 12 entries by dragging a small rectangular selection on the scatterplot graph. As before, when we first introduced the scatterplot facet, we can notice that something is potentially wrong with our data as values for period in the filtered subset are negative (we are expecting only positive values) and potentially require futher examination and cleaning.

OpenRefine Scatterplot Filter

Text filters

Another way to filter data is to create a text filter on a column. Close all facets you may have created previously and reinstate the text facet on the scientificName column.

  1. Click the down arrow next to scientificName > Text filter. A scientificName filter will appear on the left margin below the text facet.
  2. Type in bai into the text box in the filter and press return. At the top of the page it will report that, out of the 35549 rows in the raw data, there are 48 rows in which the text has been found within the scientificName column (and these rows will be selected for the subsequent steps).

    OpenRefine Filtering

  3. Near the top of the screen, change Show: to 50. This way, you will see all the matching rows in a single page.


  1. What scientific names are selected by this text filter?
  2. How would you restrict it to one of the species selected?


  1. If you kept a text facet over scientificName from before - it will show that two names match your filter criteria are: Baiomys taylori and Chaetodipus baileyi. If you have closed the text facet, select Facet > Text facet on the scientificName column to reinstate it.
  2. There are various options to restrict to only one of the two species identified. You could make the search case sensitive. You could split the scientificName column into species and genus columns, as before, and filter only the column of interest. You could include more letters in your filter, e.g. baio which would exclude Chaetodipus baileyi. Try playing with these different options. You could include more letters in your filter, e.g. baio which would exclude Chaetodipus baileyi. Try playing with these different options.

Important: Make sure both species are included in your filtered dataset before continuing with the rest of the exercises.

Filters vs. facets

Faceting and filtering look very similar. A good distinction is that faceting gives you an overview of all the data that is currently selected, while filtering allows you to select a subset of your data for further inspection and analysis.

Sorting data

Sorting data is a useful practice for detecting outliers in data - potential errors and blanks will sort to the top or the bottom of your data.

To sort the data in a column, click the arrow next to your chosen column name and select Sort.... This will open a pop-up that will present you with different options, e.g. whether you wish to sort by text, numbers, dates or booleans (i.e. TRUE or FALSE values). Additional options will appear to allow you to fine-tune your sorting - e.g. you can specify where to place Blanks and Errors in the sorted results.

OpenRefine Sorting


Try sorting the data by month using the column mo. What happens if you sort the column as text? How can you ensure that months are in order?


From the drop-down menu on the column mo select Sort then Sort.... Select Sort cell values as text first. (Note that you can rearrange Errors, Blanks and Valid values so that errors and blanks will sort to the top. This is a good practice detect some outliers.)

OpenRefine Sorting

You will notice that values for month have been sorted in alphabetical order, where months 10, 11 and 12 came before month 2.

OpenRefine Sorting

This is probably not what you wanted - so you will have to redo the sort and select the Sort cell values as number option.

You may have noticed that in the case of sorting as numbers, the actual column itself remained as text. OpenRefine did not convert the column to numbers (notice the absence of the green font).

Another thing to note is that sorting is not an action that you can undo/redo - it does not appear on Undo/Redo tab. This is because sorting only rearranges the order of the data, it doesn’t change its content. This means the sorting will not change the cells in a column from text to numbers - rather, it will interpret the values as numbers for the purposes of sorting, but will keep the underlying data type unchanged.

The first time you sort a column, the first option will present as Sort.... If you re-sort a column that you have already sorted, the drop-down menu changes slightly: the first option will be Sort and the following sub-options will be presented:

It may not always be that obvious in OpenRefine that you performed a sort. Once you complete the sort for the first time a Sort button will appear at the top of the page as an indicator that the data has been sorted. It will disappear if you remove the sort.

OpenRefine Sorting button


Remove the sort by month. Make sure you still have the text filter for the text “bai” on the scientificName column present (if you have lost your text filter for “bai” see the start of the episode to help you reinstate it). Then sort the data by plot. In which year(s) were observations recorded for plot 1 in the filtered dataset?


From the drop-down menu on the column plot select Sort... then Sort cell values as numbers and smallest first. The years observations were recorded in plot 1 are 1990 and 1995.

Sorting by multiple columns

Once you have completed one sort, any further sort will be performed by default as an additional sort. For example, if you take the data that has been sorted by plot and the sort by year, OpenRefine will present the data sorted by plot and then by year. If you wish to restart the sorting process, check the sort by this column alone box in the Sort pop-up menu.


You might like to look for trends in your data by month of collection across years.

  1. How do you sort your data by month?
  2. How would you do this differently if you were instead trying to see all of your entries in chronological order?


  1. To sort by month, click on Sort... from the mo column, and then select Sort cell values as numbers. This will group all entries made in, for example, January, together, regardless of which year that entry was collected.
  2. To sort chronologically, click on Sort > Sort... from the yr column , and then select Sort cell values as numbers. Before clicking ‘OK’ make sure you select sort by this column alone to start a new sort from scratch.
  3. You can now apply an additional sort, this time by month (click on Sort from the mo column, and then select Sort cell values as numbers).
  4. To ensure that all entries are shown chronologically, you will need to add a third sorting step to sort data by day (using the column dy).

If you go back to one of the already sorted columns and select Sort > Remove sort, that column is removed from your multiple sort. If it is the only column sorted, then the data revert to their original order.


Sort by year, month and day in some order. Be creative: try sorting as numbers or text, and in reverse order (largest to smallest or z to a).

Use Sort > Remove sort to remove the sort on the second of three columns. Notice how that changes the order.

Sorting does not change data

You may have noticed that after any of the sorting steps there was nothing to undo/redo. This is because you have only reordered and not modified you data. If you want to revert to the original order of the data - make sure you remove all “sorts” using the Sort > Remove sort option.

Key Points

  • OpenRefine provides various ways to sort and filter data without affecting the raw data