CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Does grade inflation exist? - CI6-CW20
Participants Jez Cope Philip Grylls Pablo Bernabeu Frances Cooper Tania Allard
Context / Research Domain New university students often do not have the skills expected when they begin their degree courses. One reason for this may be that universities are less able to distinguish between student skills due to grade inflation. Grade inflation is the process whereby exam questions become easier each year, meaning more students achieve higher grades....
CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Batey-1941 - HP2-CW21
Hack Day idea proposers Neil Chue Hong and Stephan Druskat
Idea name (provisional) Enabling analysis of research software: Creating an enhanced research software corpus
Context and/or research domain Research on research software (cross-domain)
Problem Until very recently, a key challenge in trying to understand the research software landscape was that we didn’t know how to find research software - there was no single, comprehensive “research software directory” or curated lists of commonly used research software, though there are discipline-specific catalogues and lists (e....
CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Fox-1940 - HP9-CW21
Hack Day idea proposer Heather Turner Idea name (provisional) Exploratory analysis of past Collaborative Ideas
Hack Day Demo Problem Many of Collaborative Ideas have been proposed at past Collaborations Workshops. It would be great if there was a way to explore these ideas to see if there are recurrent themes, if proposed ideas have been taken on, etc. It would be useful for workshop organizers to identify potential themes/ideas for future events, e....