CW22 - 2022-04-04

Hack Day Idea proposer

Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal, Heather Turner

Hack Day Idea title (provisional)

Carpentries-style Lesson on R’s Bug Tracking Process

Hack Day Pitch

Context and/or research domain

Software sustainability.


We have been conducting monthly ‘Collaboration Campfires’ that are informal sessions to discuss and learn how to contribute to the R project. These campfires are a part of the Digital Infrastructure Incubator by the Code for Science & Society. For facilitating and supporting these campfires we plan the sessions on etherpad which includes activities that help newcomers to become familiar with the tools that the R project is based on. This infrastructure has worked well for organizing and running the sessions. Now we would like to turn them into a resource that is more permanent, useful for potential organizers to re-run or for potential contributors to use for self-learning.


_To make the Collaboration Campfires material sustainable and available to the future learners, we want to build reusable beginner-friendly lessons for contribution to the R project, using the materials that we have been creating for the campfires and host them on our webpage ( We propose to use the Carpentries lesson template as demonstrated by their example lesson. For this hack day, we will convert the material from two Collaboration Campfires: “Explore R’s Bug-tracking Process” and “How to Help Review R Bug Reports” into a single lesson.

We will be using RStudio to create these lessons (as described in The Carpentries Workbench documentation) and GitHub Pages for deployment (GitHub repo). We will use the Collaborations Workshop 2022 Slack (#quail), Zoom and GitHub issues for communications._

Diagrams / illustrations

Screenshot of a Carpentries example lesson.

Screenshot of the Carpentries Example Lesson, CC BY 4.0, Copyright © The Carpentries.

CC-BY logo. Licence: These materials (unless otherwise specified) are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. Please see the human-readable summary of the CC BY 4.0 and the full legal text for further information. \