CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01

Hermann-1926 - HP11-CW21

Hack Day idea proposer

  • Louise Chisholm

Idea name (provisional)

Tools to recognise underlying software infrastructure visible & funded

Context and/or research domain

Research often relies on underlying software infrastructure, but their contribution is not recognised and it is difficult to attract funding to maintain software infrastructure.


Research often relies on underlying software infrastructure, but their contribution is not recognised and it is difficult to attract funding to maintain software infrastructure.

Because the contribution of this infrastructure is invisible, it is harder to lobby for funding from policy makers and funders. It is also lack of awareness of what the consequences could be to the wider community if XXX software infrastructure isn’t supported.


Develop a system or framework to recognise contributions of underlying research software (e.g. numpy) to research. This could be used in parallel to the systems that give credit to individuals.