Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26
Group B Collab idea - CI4-CW18
Martin Callaghan -
Alice Harpole - University of Southampton
Martin Callaghan - University of Leeds
Catherine Jones - STFC
Daniel Grose - Lancaster University
David Pérez-Suárez - University College London
Context / Research Domain
We all (seem) to share similar perspectives on what tools and techniques make for sustainable and effective software. However, not everyone shares these perspectives. Many communities and individuals are still sustainability deniers. They don’t see the need to apply these principles and especially how it can change their communities and their codes.
Rather than many people all answering the same questions, we can work together and crowdsource to provide some standard responses and examples.
Sustainability Deniers - I am not doing it because…. The resource which enables you to respond to common statements with common wording.
This could take the form of a website (webcomic??) with a list of common excuses for not implementing software sustainability practices, and a set of persuasive arguments and solutions to encourage deniers to change their ways.
We would brainstorm the most common questions around open software and potential answers.